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Practical Life

That real useful stuff


I often need to remind myself that I have 36 years in this life.  Anything I do as second nature is hard work and new to my littles.  Whether we're wiping up a spill, following a recipe, making lists, or even just washing hands, these are all things that take time to master.  While it may take 4 minutes and a shirt change to wash an 18 month old kid's hands, therein lies an activity.  I've started really taking a step back and stepping in only when there's a safety issue or helping only when I'm asked.  The ability to ask for help?  Also an important skill.  When kids are young they find joy and take pride in things that seem simple to us as adults, but remember, we've had 30+ years to practice.

All activities at Glass Half Something require parent supervision!  Safety first, friends!

Teaching our kids how to manage money

When I was a kid, my parents didn't have the resources or know-how to teach us about money management.  What it is, how to have it, how to spend it, how to invest it.  They were savers.  Now that everything is available at our fingertips, my horizons have expanded.  If I'd known then what I know now!!!  Check out how we're working with our kids to learn money management.

In the Kitchen

From the basics to the table, we do it all!

Kitchen skills are critical.  I'm not talking chef level chopping or hibachi knife skills, but the basics.  What flavors would be good together, how to measure and convert, what can we use as a substitute, how to read a recipe, shop for the week.  From brainstorming ideas for dinners, to making the list, doing the shopping, prepping the ingredients, measuring and mixing, we do it all!

The Never-Ending Cycle

Laundry gets a bad rap

I once heard a psychologist talk through the fact that we're not morally failing ourselves or our family when laundry isn't "done".  Laundry doesn't finish; laundry is a cycle.  I'm not sure it helped.  But!  Laundry is another abundantly educational life skill.  We started at age 2, working through the cycle together, and sometimes singing our favorite Lambchop song during the task ("this is the song that never ends...")

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