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Practical Life: Ordering Out

Ordering Out at Home with Kids

This is a fan favorite and fun treat for our family. Typically, once or twice a month, we'll practice the fun social skill of ordering out. There are certainly times we dine at restaurants which is great for implementing this skill and practicing others, but more economically, we work through the ordering process at home more frequently.

Generally, we're all provided the same food at mealtime in our house. Mom and Dad choose which foods are offered. The kids choose which and how much to eat. Through that foundation, we learn that the food available is not always our favorite, but it's there to nourish our bodies. This is also applicable when we practice ordering out. We've all been there: out with friends, starving, but the group choses Mexican when we're in the mood for Italian. That's okay! We're still out to have a good time. Next, we're faced with the actual selection process. Options can be really hard! It's stressful to work through reading a menu, finding what you're craving, choosing between two favorites. So we practice!

We pretend to be greeted and seated at The Great Breakfast Diner where everyone puts their order in and Mom becomes a short order cook. The kids love the excitement of pretending to be out and about, and they get to practice all the skills of ordering in a restaurant. Now, when the time comes, we're used to sifting through menus, grabbing a second choice and using big clear voices to order.

What would you put on your menu?



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