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Moose: Eats

moose food green pancakes

This week we're learning about Moose! By Thursday, we'd learned moose are herbivores that eat plants, including water plants, like waterlilies. Check out how we eat like a moose!

We chose waterlilies for dinner Friday. It was a great opportunity for all four of us to be involved. My husband and our youngest collected all of the ingredients from the pantry and refrigerator while my oldest sifted through the recipe to grab his measuring tools. We used Kids Eat in Color's (who you should definitely check out!) Green Pancake recipe and made homemade whipped cream to represent the waterlily.

We blended our mix thoroughly. It was SO green because my son chose, accidentally, a lot of spinach. But it worked out okay!

We let the mix sit for a bit to thicken up. While waiting, we made homemade whipped cream. I usually toss half a pint into our KitchenAid, whip it up and add vanilla and a small amount of sweetener. This time, because the pancakes have honey, we left the sweetener out. That can be an acquired taste but my kids still love unsweetened cream.

Set aside the whipped cream, after snatching a spoonful to snack, of course. We made the pancakes on a griddle. My oldest (under close supervision!) flipped the pancakes. We learned about how heat can change the color of things, seeing the pancakes turn darker as they cooked, and reviewed cooking safety. The griddle is hot! We need to use a tool to touch food that's cooking on the griddle; here is a spatula. He did great and "waterlilies" were a hit!

Have you tried green pancakes?


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