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Moose: Books

moose books for kids

This week we chose Moose as our weekly animal. These animals are the largest deer, located in the northern parts of North America, Europe and Asia. Come learn fun facts with us!

Top 3 Moose books:

  • Moose: Animals of the Forest by Al Albertson

    • This book taught us lots about antlers and moose habitat. It is also a level 2 early reader!

  • Moose: Animals that Live in the Forest by JoAnn Early Macken

    • This book taught us our favorite fact: moose will dive underwater to grab plants from the bottom. These animals are massive. It's hard to imagine them diving underwater. We learned in our third book that diving depth can be up to 18 feet. Fascinating!

  • Moose: Wild Animal Kingdom by Gail Terp​

    • This book has a neat growth chart to show how fast and large moose grow. They're born at around 25 pounds, are 400 pounds by 6 months and can grow up to 800-1,600 pounds in adulthood.

Top 5 Moose Facts

  1. Moose will dive underwater to find and eat plants.

  2. Male moose can be up to 7 feet tall and 10 feet long

  3. Male moose grow antlers up to 6 feet across. Each winter they shed their antlers to help conserve energy. They grow back in the spring and summer.

  4. Moose don't have upper front teeth. They grab food with their lower front teeth and upper lip.

  5. Adult moose live alone.


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