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Books! Books! Books!

On Monday, we head to our local library.  This is always a fan favorite.  It's a great way to get out and get excited about our weekly topics.  We return all the books from the week prior and grab a handful of new ones.  Usually about five of our books will be tied to the week's topic and the rest are up to the kids.

How we library

Library Card

The first day we went to our new library, I had my 5 year old take all the steps to get his own library card.  That means, walking to the help counter, requesting the right paperwork and filling it out himself.  Such great practice for so many important life skills!  It did mean mom had to dictate some of what was written to the librarian, but overall, he did a fantastic job!  Being the proud owner of a new card comes with boat loads of responsibilities.  First and foremost, not losing it.  Second, it means keeping track of your own books at home and being sure they're kept in good condition for return.

Borrowing & Returning

Our library lets a card owner take out 99 items, so whatever the kids can fit into our library tote, they can borrow.  Each trip in, we return every book.  Each trip out, we confirm we didn't forget any at home by reviewing our account and then we can take out our new ones.  Since we're the proud owners of our own library cards, we also bring the cards into the library and hold them ourselves!  Another tricky, but very important life skill to learn: keeping track of your things.

Library Hosted Activities

At the start of each month, our library provides a newsletter.  The kids and I read through to see which activities we may want to attend, and we add them to our family calendar.  We saw 5 real life owls at a library activity!  They're often worth checking out.  Have you dug into what your library has to offer?

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